Monday, 6 January 2014

Create, Live. Create More, Live better... Part 2

The Whos
Ancient Greeks believed that Creativity came from the Gods, or more pointedly, Daemons who would invoke creativity in their chosen hosts. Creativity was as natural and as important to them as the rising at the setting of the sun, the approach and retreat of the tide and art became a natural cycle of the world around them. Philosophers painted, mathematicians danced and scientists wrote poetry.

I believe we need to bring those Daemons back, to draw up in ourselves the strength and resolve it takes to stride against the pull of the river and teach ourselves to be creative.

The Whens
A very happy and very wise person once told me that there is no moment more important than this one right now, and I agree with all my heart.
The extinction of creativity we've experienced in past years, the endangerment of play has to end.
It must start with the adults in our community, who influence children around them every day without noticing it. When we ourselves can be creative, it will be a matter of great ease to offer our children and the following generations the fertile soil of play in order to keep imagination alive.
It is my firm belief that this leads to happier individuals, happier families, better business, better corporate responsibility, better government, better ecology, economy and equality - after all, a privileged child and a under-privileged if left together will see the same imaginary friends and hold hands on the same quests. If that's what play is, who on earth said it was acceptable to let it dissipate?

The Good News
There is a spiritual and social revolution going on around us, where the need for creative peoples and the introduction of play to solve problems, questions or broaden horizons is already active. As a creative individual in the United Kingdom, though I'm too old to benefit from the scheme myself, it makes me incredibly proud know that there is already work under way to create a more substantial work base for young people. For more information look at the Stage Article Here.

Final Words
You may agree with what I'm saying, or you may dismiss it as the ravings of someone who had the incredulity to not grow up and make a profession out of it. Either way, I'd love to hear from you and your experiences of creativity in your day to day life. Does it help or hinder you? Does it inspire you or fill you with worry? In either case, know that you are not alone and that you and I stand at the forefront of bold new world - one where our Children have much more to teach us than we could ever teach them.

Creative Fight Club
I've started up a Creative Project in London called "Creative Fight Club", where creative people in the arts and business meet up to swap, share and help develop ideas - if you'd like to hear more about it or come along to one of our sessions then let me know, drop me an EMAIL or connect with me on FACEBOOK.

Project Daemon
I'm in the early stages of taking my beliefs and turning them into a charitable organisation. If you'd like to know how you can help or how I can help you then drop me a line, it'd be my pleasure to hear from you.

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