Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Sound of Creation... Music as an aid to Creativity

Soul Singer...

It is a popular belief in science that people could sing before we could communicate through speech as we understand it today. Charles Darwin believed that we sang love songs to one another before we could articulate in any other form and more modern scientists such as Ani Patel of The Neurosciences Institute in San Diego have come to the same conclusion:-
"We feel music just taps into this kind of pre-cognitive archaic part of ourselves," he says. So it seems to make sense that music came "before we had this complicated articulate language that we use to do abstract thinking."
So if the purpose of creativity is to tap into the "inner child" or to reach down into some other deep concious, is music the way for us to access that ancient thought process? To get in touch with an older, more primal and natural way of thinking?

The Emotional Gamut...

The ability for music to inspire and lead our emotions has helped the Hollywood Film industry for decades, but it's this very ability to stretch and use our emotional pallet is the thing that opens us to creativity, that frees us to feel and experience things that are new and interesting.

The Guardian wrote an interesting article with a pretty cool playlist that's aimed specifically at people training in the creative industries.

Music Making Waves...

Music can cause a shift in brain waves, which in turn causes a shift in our state.  For example, certain types of music are known to create theta waves —and typically, peaks of creativity occur during times when we are experiencing theta waves. So besides anchoring yourself to music, you can actually use music to create physical changes:-
Ordinary consciousness consists of beta waves (14-20 hertz). Beta waves occur when we focus on daily activities in the external world, and when we experience strong negative emotions.

Heightened awareness and calm are characterized by alpha waves (8-13 hertz). Music with a pulse of 60 beats per minute can shift consciousness from the beta toward the alpha range.

Periods of peak creativity, meditation, and sleep are characterized bytheta waves (4-7 hertz).

Deep sleep, deep meditation, and unconsciousness produce delta waves (.5-3 hertz). So the slower the brain waves, the more relaxed, contended, and peaceful we feel.

In Summation...

Sometimes it's hard to keep the creative momentum going, or when you're busy being creative it's hard to think in different ways or along other lines.
Find a way of introducing music you're not used to listening to into your schedule, Youtube channels and Spotify are great tools for this.
Look for music which is going to help you get the brain waves going that you need to push your creativity in the right direction. Get those headphones on and get going!